Just for Kids

What if kids are far more aware than we ever give them credit for?

It is not easy being a kid - I’m sure we all remember the big emotions, different scenarios, and trying to balance learning who you are and where you fit in the world. There are several energy healing modalities available for children and teenagers, here is some more information for those…

Access Bars for Kids

Receiving an Access Bars session can benefit babies, children and teenagers in the following areas:

  • Decrease in stress, anxiety and depression

  • Improved sleep

  • A boost in the immune system

  • Improved health and wellness

  • Improved clarity and focus for schooling, studying, learning & creativity

  • Decrease in behavioral issues

  • Increase in relaxation and calm

  • Phobias

  • Autism, ADHD, ADD, Eating Disorders

Jin Shin Jyutsu for Children

Jin Shin Jyutsu is safe for all ages and is very beneficial in so many ways. If you pay attention to how your baby or child places their hands while they sleep you may notice a pattern. These young ones will instinctually hold parts of their body to help themselves.

For example: babies that suck their thumb may be doing this to ease digestion issues, calm their mind of worry, and also for brain development.

Simpson Protocol Hypnosis for Children

Depending on the age and development of your child holistic hypnosis can be used with children to release and let go just as an adult would. If your infant or child is unable to communicate for any reason we can use a surrogate to work through the issue at hand. This incudes but is not limited to birth trauma, in utero concerns, coma, autism, learning disabilities, non verbal, abuse etc.

A surrogate can be anyone but prefer it to be a parent or caregiver. To learn more about a surrogate session for your child please contact me.

Children and Entities

Does your child have imaginary friends? Is your child scared of a particular room in the house or the dark? Do they talk about seeing/hearing things that you don't? Is the behaviour of your child out of character? If so your child may be experiencing entities.

If this is causing issues now is a good time to have your child cleared and or have your home cleared. Do not discredit your child's feelings or visions but rather allow them to speak freely to you about their experiences. Contact me to learn more about these experiences, how to help your child understand what is happening and how to handle entities with ease (see services for house clearings).


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