What people are saying.

  • "I have been seeing Karen for a while now and she is truly remarkable! It is a great experience to have a session with her. I highly recommend going to see her! "

    — Denise

  • "I first saw Karen this spring for a treatment. I had experienced a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment while I was on Chemo for stage 4 Colon Cancer. While the cancer treatment was successful the chemo left me with numbness in my right hand and fingers. After one treatment with Karen the numbness was gone and I was able to feel with my fingers. After nearly 8 months I'm not experiencing any numbness at all in my fingers. Thanks for sharing your gift with me Karen."

    — Chuck

  • “I had my Bars ran today, all I can say is WOW!!!! My mind is clear for the first time in a very long time. Thank You Karen."

    — Neil

  • "I feel so grateful to have crossed paths with Karen! Each session with her creates more change and possibility for my being and my body. Being near the end of my first pregnancy and experiencing heaviness, tightness and pressure around my abdomen-Karen has helped to bring ease, space, and a sense of lightness that leaves me nearly dancing out of her treatment room! Thank you Karen."

    — Amy

  • "I have been fortunate enough to be seeing Karen for a long time (almost at the start of her journey). Words cannot describe how much better I feel (almost instantly) after a session/communicating with Karen, it is truly remarkable. Karen is a wealth of knowledge and has so much information to pass forward that can be applicable to everyday life. She has helped and continues to help me be the best version of myself through her work. She is blessed with a gift and I highly recommend her!"

    — Brittany

  • "Simpson Protocol Holistic Hypnosis is a great healing modality and we're lucky to have Karen as a practitioner. I've personally had two sessions with her and have worked on two "issues". The results have been great."

    — Anonymous

  • "I get an Access Bars treatment once a month. It not only helps me with my mental health, it also helps me with my physical health. Every month the week before my appointment, I can tell I need another one. An Access Bars treatment mot only helps settle my brain so I can focus easier on tasks, but it also helps me with my sinuses, allergies and my asthma. These treatments are truly life changing. I will continue getting a treatment once a month....forever."

    — Kim

  • "If you've never experienced Access Bars before you need to call this lady soon. This modality has helped me with my mental health many times. Just a side note. She also does Simpson Protocol Hypnosis which was mind blowing, so so cool! She is in Humboldt Sk. area twice per month."

    — Leanne

  • "I've had many sessions with Karen and my life truly has changed for the better! Every session has offered something completely different and allowed me to release the things that were no longer serving me which is amazing!!! I finally waas able to see the amazing person my friends all know and love in the mirror for the first time in a very long time! Don't take my word for it tho book a session worst case scenario if feels like you had a great message you are calm and relaxed...best case it changes your outlook on life."

    — Rachelle

  • "Karen is really good at what she does. I feel like she has helped me to get healthier and find the strength to be a stronger person. I felt really good after one session of Jin Shin Jyutsu, I really want to go back! Thanks Karen"

    — Mia

  • “I took my Access Bars class through Karen and what an amazing experience it was! I highly recommend going through her. She takes the time to listen to everything you have to say and makes you feel comfortable with what you are doing. Karen suggests how you can implement the tools you learn in your own life or to better help your loved ones. She shared many stories from experience throughout the course. This was beneficial throughout the class because it put things into perspective. I had a lot of personal things that came up throughout the day and I felt Karen was very respectful in helping me handle everything that came up :) You would not regret taking this class-life changing!”

    — Jessica

  • I had Karen do a distance home clearing because my kids and I were feeling sluggish and having nightmares. After her clearing she gave me tons of awesome information and I noticed a change in our sleep and even in my pets! I did not realize how much heaviness we all were holding. For example I have a Guinea pig and he would not come out of his hiding spot and after the clearing he has been literally running all over the place and squeaking. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Thanks Karen for helping this little family find their groove again

    —Miranda N

Feedback is always appreciated. Please feel free to email a testimonial you would like to share!